P470 – hRIXS-Spectrometer SCS European XFEL
Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) spectrometer
Year of delivery
Installation site
SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany
The hRIXS for the SCS beamline had to be developed as a mobile instrument regardless of its size and stability requirements to allow for the use of different experimental stations at the beamline. The optical design without beam focusing or collimation in the non-dispersive direction required large diameter bellows between the grating and the detector module and thereby an appropriate design accounting for the resulting forces and torques at a high precision and accuracy level required for the position and orientation of detector and gratings.
For detailed information on the hRIXS spherical grating monochromator and its performance, see P470-SGM.
Design Features
- Spectral range: 150 – 2000 eV.
Variable included angle monochromator design.
Constant detector incidence angles for all grating included angles.
Variable entrance and exit arm lengths.
Performance Features
- Very high pitch angle resolution over the whole range.
- Low parasitic motions for all resolution relevant axes.
- Very high vibrational and drift stability.
Outer Dimensions
Technical specifications and performance values
Spectrometer rotation
35° to 115°
0.001188 °/step (full step)
2.52 x 10-6 °/count
Circle of confusion
118 µm
Vertical deviation
48 µm
Grating chamber
Longitudinal translation
889 mm to 2503 mm
Resolution (design value)
0.094 µm /motor fine step
(1/16, recommended)
0.05 µm /encoder count
Parasitic yaw
8.75 µrad
Detector chamber
Pitch rotation
1.40° to -15.58°
Resolution (design value)
0.098 µrad /motor fine step
(1/16, recommended)
0.166 µrad /encoder count
4.8 µrad (pitch)
1.7 µrad (yaw)
Long-term stability (3h)
0.16 µrad
Longitudinal translation
3490.4 mm to 5008.3 mm
0.094 µm /motor fine step
(1/16, recommended)
0.05 µm /encoder count
0.82 µm (longitudinal position)
Parasitic yaw
42 µrad
Long-term stability (> 2h)
0.03 µm
Vertical translation
-1.77 mm to 800.94 mm
Resolution (design value)
0.234 µm /motor fine step
(1/128, recommended)
0.05 µm /encoder count
0.50 µm (vertical position)
Parasitic roll
12.7 µrad
Long-term stability (> 2h)
0.07 µm